Deleting Temporary Internet Files

The step-by-step process is outlined below.
Internet Explorer
  1. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  2. On the General tab, in the middle of the screen, click on Delete.
  3. Select Temporary Internet Files and Cookies.
  4. Click on OK and wait for the hourglass icon to stop spinning after it deletes the temporary internet files.

  1. In FireFox, on the Tools menu, click on Options.
  2. Select the Advanced panel and click on the Network tab.
  3. In the Cached Web Content section, click Clear Now.
  4. Click OK to close the Options window.

  1. In Chrome select Tools.
  2. Then select Clear browsing data.
  3. Select Empty the Cache and Delete cookies.
  4. Click the Clear browsing data button.

  1. In the Safari menu, click on Empty Cache.
  2. When asked Are you sure you want to empty the cache?, click Empty.
  3. From Safari version 6.0 and up the Empty Cache option is hidden.
  4. To enable the option go to the Preferences window and select the Advanced tab.
  5. Check the Show Develop menu in menu bar option.
  6. Close the Preferences window and click the Developer menu in the menu bar.
  7. Click the Empty Cache option.

And Change Your Settings

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